Plymouth Gallery Exhibit

In Our Hands: A Study in Love

This photo exhibit of church members’ hands provides an identity exploration of who we are, what we have in common, and the beauty of our unique selves.
Certainly, faces become our primary identity and each face its own unique story. Hands can do much the same and more. We are less likely to see racial and class markers when we picture hands. Hands are powerfully human traits. Hands do work, they create, build, nourish, and care. Hands are featured in our blessing and in making war; hands do what we are. Consider the posture of prayer: hands clasped, as if at rest, your left hand resting in the right. And when we join hands with others, we see signs of love. This exhibit includes photographs and reflections of hands as they are an extension of one’s identity. Plymouth members’ hands are featured in the photos and writings by Pastor Jared Wortman, Chuck Offenburger, and Karen Downing illuminate the photographs with scripture, reflective quotes, and personal insight.

 Mark Gruber
Curator and Photographer


Creation Care & Justice Resources


2024 Creative Arts Camp